

My name is Mariano D’Agostino, I’m an Information Systems Engineer and High School teacher from Argentina.

Availability for work?

Sorry, I’m not available for work right now. You may want to check again in July 2024. (Last updated: March 2024).

Work experience

I currently focus on Drupal development, you can check my drupal.org profile. Most of my coding experience is related to PHP, but I’ve played (and taught) with other languages as well like Python and Go.

I have worked as a Team Lead of several teams over the last 10 years. When looking for a new job this are the things that are relevant to me.

Current side projects

I used to contribute quite often to open source projects, mostly related to the Drupal ecosystem. Now I’m a father of two kids. My main contributions are now focused on maintaining the Database Log and Syslog Drupal core modules.

In particular I’m working on converting dblog entries into entities.

Teaching experience

I’ve been teaching since 2005. I enjoy teaching and this has helped me a lot to communicate complex things to clients and stakeholders in simple terms.

If you are one of my former students, and want to say hi, the best way to do it is via my Linkedin profile.